Birmingham Moms Blog :: Introducing Tiffany



Rumor has it there are 2 lines in the ground on the route from Boston to Birmingham, carved into the earth by my heels as my husband dragged me from a city I loved to a place about which I held much trepidation about moving. Since that journey in August 2017, as the divots in the ground have likely faded, so has my uneasiness about living here. In fact, I have been pleasantly surprised by what a short time it has taken for me to grow to love this city.

Birmingham is the smallest city I have called home. I grew up in Seattle, went to college at USC in Los Angeles, began my career in New Orleans, moved to Boston for my husband to go back to school, and have finally landed in – what will indefinitely be called “home” – Birmingham. Here’s the thing – I love it. This city is so vibrant. It is full of opportunity, creative thinkers, and innovation. It’s like the city is buzzing with change and progress, and it is electrifying to be a part of it.

It’s a good thing we don’t use film anymore because it would have cost our family’s savings to get this picture!

When I think small – about my little squad of four – I am even more excited about being here. We’re ready to slow down, settle in, and soak up all that life in Birmingham has to offer. As we get our bearings, we’re renting a cool place right below the Vulcan with a stellar view of downtown. Eventually, we’ll buy a place, but for now, we’re enjoying the convenience of where we are. Living in Birmingham will undoubtedly be the greatest adventure of my life – I am looking forward to all that is in store here!


On one of my mom’s visits to Los Angeles while I was in college, we got to talking about my goals for the next 10 years. These included being on the cover of three magazines, obtaining at least one post-secondary degree, and – chief among them – being a stay-at-home mom to my 2.5 children. I am so grateful my mom allowed me to dream. 😉

My little angels

Well, I have forgone the musings of magazine covers and the graduate degrees, but I have the two sweet babies and have enjoyed the SAHM gig the last four years. My little whirling dervish of a daughter is four, and my ray-of-light son is one. Before moving, in addition to staying home, I taught indoor cycling, and the combination of the two was a perfect balance for me. My instructing schedule gave me just enough “me” time and the balance of an identity outside of “mom” and “wife” that I needed.

With our move to the ‘Ham, I found myself without a place to instruct the way I wanted, and craving the balance I’d had previously. Insert: Major Detour in Plans. I’ve chosen to leave my wonderful, challenging, beautifully messy role as stay-at-home mama to pursue a new passion as MOMpreneur! Ignite Cycle – my third baby – will be launching in the fall of 2018.


Y’all – with the planning and the meetings that it takes to get a business off the ground, I already miss my babies. Work-from-home, part-time, and full-time working mamas, will you help me in this journey?! This momming thing is not easy, no matter how you chose to do it, and we need each other to get through it.


I’ll be honest – I get the Mommy Wars, and I have participated in them (mostly in my head or out loud with people that make choices similar to mine). What I have learned, though, is that when I talk with women who have made choices different than mine, I gain a more whole perspective, I see my parenting differently, and I am able to offer less judgement and more grace to all those around me.

This is my hope for what I can offer you in this space. I promise to be honest and raw with you as I walk through this transition. I promise not to judge you for your choices, no matter how different they are from mine. Will you do the same with me?

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Tiffany M
Tiffany is the embodiment of that feeling when you think you know exactly what you want, but life gives you a once over and a chuckle and says “uh uh . . . I’ve got something else in store.” After 4 years of joyful, challenging stay-at-home-momhood, Tiffany is embarking on a new venture as founder and owner of an indoor cycling studio. The journey has been exhilarating, and filled with trepidation leaving her full-time role as SAHM to Marilee (4) and Rhett (1). And to make things even more fun, her husband Mark is starting an innovative school & youth workforce development program in Ensley . . . at exactly the same time. Perpetually in a state of believing things will slow down eventually (oh, you’re laughing too?), Tiffany loves out-of-town adventures (almost exclusively to friends’ weddings and bachelorette parties), sweaty fitness classes, frequent necessitated deep breathing exercises, and getting to know this fabulous city. She’s lived in Seattle, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Boston, and is finally making Birmingham her home. Her family moved here in the summer of 2017, and Tiffany is intrigued by and excited about all Birmingham has to offer!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing a piece of your story Tiffany. I was born and raised in Seattle and just moved to Birmingham with my husband in June 2015, so I understand being introduced to the south as an adult. I love it here though and definitely call Birmingham “home” now that we’ve welcomed our daughter into our family.

    Looking forward to reading more posts from you 🙂

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