Sagging Jowls :: Birmingham Now Has a Solution

We partnered with Skin Wellness Center on this content, but you know we love them. This is a sponsored post.

Skin Wellness Center has a large portfolio of services to help patients look their best, but Dr. Hartman and his team would be the first to say that until recently, there has been a gap in treatment. The sagging jowls and loosening skin around the neck, issues women begin experiencing in their mid-forties, posed problems because no device on the market met the group’s standards. In short, nothing formerly available was good enough.

Enter: ProfoundSagging jowls - Profound treatment at Skin Wellness Center

  • Profound is first-in-class for treating the sagging of the jowls and neck while creating more volume and elasticity.
  • Profound creates 1/3 the effect of a facelift.
  • Profound is the only device with a 100% response rate, meaning it has proven effective for all skin types and ethnicities. 
  • Profound is a one and done treatment, meaning results last for years.
  • Profound is around $3,500, making it worthwhile for 3-4 years of results.

Profound is the first treatment found good enough for the patients who trust Skin Wellness Center for their care.

How Does Profound Work?

Using the Profound device, radiofrequency is used to tighten the skin around the jowls, mouth, and neck area. The procedure stimulates the reproduction of hyaluronic acid, new collagen, and elastin, creating more volume and elastic tissue.

Check out this Facebook Live video to see a Profound treatment performed at Skin Wellness Center!

Who is an Ideal Profound Candidate?

Profound is a great option for women who are 45+, as this is when these issues are first noticeable. The treatment is effective for all skin types and all ethnicities, so anyone experiencing sagging skin around the face and mouth or loss of volume around the mouth or cheeks should schedule a consultation.

How do I Plan for Profound?

While Profound is a painless outpatient procedure, plan for 10-14 days of what the team at Skin Wellness Center refers to as social downtime. There will likely be a bit of bruising, so keep this in mind when scheduling. If you’re planning to have the treatment ahead of something like your child’s wedding, plan the treatment about three months out to see the best results in time for the big event!

Sagging jowls - Profound treatment at Skin Wellness Center provided by Dr. Cory Hartman

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hartman today if Profound sounds like a great fit for you!
Skin Wellness Center


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Jenny Y
Jenny-Lyn was born in Decatur, grew up in Ohio, and moved to Birmingham as a teenager. Her favorite things about Birmingham include sweet tea, the use of Sir and Ma’am, and the way people offer friendly smiles while out and about. Oh, and the food. Jenny’s background is sales and marketing, each of which she enjoys putting to use behind the scenes with Birmingham Mom Collective. After getting married, Jenny moved from Birmingham to Minneapolis where she invites anyone interested to visit around August. She’s strongly connected to Birmingham through friends, family, and of course Birmingham Mom Collective. Jenny and her husband Soo-Young have two sons, Michael and Jonathan. She guesses she’s officially a boy mom, and that’s a pretty good thing to be in her book.


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