
Birmingham Mom Collective

Birmingham Mom Collective
Are you interested in guest blogging with us? We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at info [at] birminghammomcollective [dot] com.

Our Family’s Journey with Spina Bifida

Our journey began in the fall of 2013 when I was 32 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Being pregnant with twins means you have a lot of extra appointments and ultrasounds. Up until this...

Love With Conditions {Domestic Violence Awareness}

When is enough, enough? At what point in your relationship do you decide to walk out the door and never look back? What buttons must be pushed for you to walk away from the...

I’m Not the Nanny :: Perspectives on Living as an Interracial Family

After the birth of our first son, we decided to became foster parents. Our experience as foster parents—having to return children we were attached to—lead us to considering growing our family via adoption. We...

The Truth About COVID-19 :: One Mom’s Experience

It has taken me several months to put this post together . . . partly because I don’t want to revisit this nightmare, but also because I feel like my words normally fall on...

Juneteenth :: Little Known American History

Almost everyone is familiar with Independence Day, also known as the 4th of July, but very few are aware of the holiday that is observed on June 19th. Juneteenth (also known as Emancipation Day or...

Food Allergies in the Time of COVID-19

A Panic-inducing Grocery Run I felt slight panic as my eyes panned the aisles and I saw first-hand the barren food shelves in Target. As I turned the corner, I uttered underneath my breath, “Even...

My Infertility Journey :: How My Prayer Changed after Losing 10 Babies

Losing Both Fallopian Tubes Isaiah and I began this journey in November, 2009. We had just moved from Pensacola, Florida so I could begin my internship at UAB Sparks Clinics for my doctorate program in...

Food Allergy Bullying :: Taking a Stand {Food Allergy Awareness}

When you think of being bullied, you might envision a scenario in your mind: two kids standing around on the playground; one smaller in stature and timid, the other child older, more burly, and...

My Family’s Story of Melanoma {Skin Cancer Awareness}

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. When you think of summer, one of the first things that comes to mind is sunshine. That bright sphere of amazing warmth that allows us to enjoy the pool,...

Evidence-based Advice from a Pediatric Registered Dietitian {National Nutrition Month 2020}

Part of my job as a pediatric Registered Dietitian is to answer questions, lots of questions. Parents want to know how to take the battle out of mealtime. Should their child follow a gluten-free diet?...
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