
Kendra L

Kendra L
Kendra, a Birmingham native, is happily married to her husband of 14 years and is the mom of two sweet kiddos (10-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy). A former pharmaceutical sales representative of 12 years, she now stays home with their kiddos while running a small business. Two years ago, The Paisley Pea, an online baby and maternity brand, was born from her passion for sewing and all things earthy! The company has now grown into a substantial business with 75 retailers across the country. When not running the business, she enjoys crafting with her children, entertaining, exploring other cultures, music, and being a nature-lover! She is excited about sharing her experiences as a MOMpreneur to encourage other moms in their quest.

I Still Have a Dream :: A Mother’s Story

It was like any other summer day for my 5-year-old little boy. He loved camp, and he was excited to have another fun day with new friends! Little did I know that this day would be...

Top 5 Tips for Taxi Moms

School is back in session. Sports are back in full swing. Life is busy and fast-paced. Let's face it, fellow moms:  Most of our cars or SUVs are a wreck . . . not literally--...

Visiting the Big Island, Hawaii :: Traveling Vicariously During the Pandemic

im.ag.i.na.tion noun: the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects, or events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past. As mothers of stir-crazy, frustrated children enduring the...

The Scary Truth About Kid Nut Allergies and Asthma

Growing up, did you know ANYONE allergic to nuts? I surely did not. I had not even heard of a nut allergy until well into my adult years. In today's world, however, the number...

What I Didn’t Know About C-Sections

I had it all planned out. I was going to deliver naturally, with no epidural (crazy, I know). That was my plan. A woman with a high pain tolerance and much determination, I thought "why not?!" Nothing and...

Birmingham Moms Blog :: Introducing Kendra

Hello, beautiful Birmingham moms! My name is Kendra, and I am a Birmingham native. Born in the 1970's at St. Vincent's Hospital, I love this city. I have lived here all my life except for...
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